The Sagebrush Trail

The Sagebrush Trail

Saddle up partner and head west for two-fisted adventure from the Pecos to the Yukon. Stories by Owen Wister, Zane Grey, Harold Bindloss, Jack London, Rex Beach, Max Brand, Ernest Haycox and more.

The Sagebrush Trail
The Sagebrush Trail
The Virginian - Chapter 1
  • The Virginian - Chapter 1

    The Virginian - Chapter 1

    Jan 4, 2021 •

    Chapter 1 Enter the Man

  • The Virginian - Chapter 2

    The Virginian - Chapter 2

    Jan 4, 2021 •

    Chapter 2 When You Call Me That, Smile

  • The Virginian - Chapter 3

    The Virginian - Chapter 3

    Jan 4, 2021 •

    Chapter 3 Steve Treats

  • The Virginian - Chapter 4

    The Virginian - Chapter 4

    Jan 4, 2021 •

    Chapter 4 Deep Into Cattle Land

  • The Virginian - Chapter 5

    The Virginian - Chapter 5

    Jan 4, 2021 •

    Chapter 5 Enter the Woman

  • The Virginian - Chapter 6

    The Virginian - Chapter 6

    Jan 4, 2021 •

    Chapter 6 Em’ly

  • The Virginian - Chapter 7

    The Virginian - Chapter 7

    Jan 4, 2021 •

    Chapter 7 Through Two Snows

  • The Virginian - Chapter 8

    The Virginian - Chapter 8

    Jan 4, 2021 •

    Chapter 8 The Sincere Spinster

  • The Virginian - Chapter 9

    The Virginian - Chapter 9

    Jan 4, 2021 •

    Chapter 9 The Spinster Meets the Unknown

  • The Virginian - Chapter 10

    The Virginian - Chapter 10

    Feb 9, 2021 •

    Where Fancy Was Bred